Saturday, October 28, 2017

Did a Historian Document a Battle Between Vikings too Bigfoots?

Did the Vikings encountered Bigfoot inwards Battle?
"Buliwyf's band establishes that the Wendol are humanoid cannibals who look as, alive like, in addition to position amongst bears." -- Wikipedia on Michael Crichton's description of the cryptids in The 13th Warrior

Is it possible that a tenth century historian could get got documented a violent battle betwixt Vikings in addition to Bigfoot? Ahmad ibn Fadlan was an Arab ambassador that was captured yesteryear Vikings during a diplomatic mission, the Vikings allowed him to chronicle their adventures. He called them men of the northward in addition to his depiction of a Viking send burial is ofttimes references in addition to considered accurate. Other aspects of his adventures edge on the fantastic including a battle amongst Mist Monsters, or equally the Vikings called them the Wendol.

Speculation on the Wendol is all over the place, from pure fiction to the in conclusion remaining Neanderthals. Michael Crichton's, writer of Jurassic Park in addition to Westworld, depicts the Wendol inwards his screenplay, The 13th Warrior, equally humanoid cannibals who look as, alive like, in addition to position amongst bears. For Doc Vega of, the Wendol may last Bigfoot. Doc Vega has written a five-part serial on the topic amongst commentary that includes references to Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Grover Krantz in addition to heavily on Lloyd Pye.

Below nosotros get got a curt excerpt of Doc Vegas 5-part essay, this is merely the initial battle betwixt the Vikings in addition to the Wendols (Bigfoot).

The feared confrontation begins On the offset nighttime that Buliwyf in addition to his country of war political party arrived at the Kingdom of Rothgar to the apprehension of Ibn Fadian who idea his Viking comrades to last unprepared to create battle, they feasted, drank, in addition to finally slept. However, Ibn was unable to achieve slumber. He lay awake worrying in addition to afterwards barely drifting off, heard animal-like grunts in addition to groans along amongst footsteps. In the darkest hr of the nighttime amongst abrupt ferocity the gigantic doors to the King’s hall of Rothgar were crashed open. The sleeping Vikings sprang to their feet in addition to began to create battle amongst the monsters equally they savagely attacked from a cloak of mist that had hung over the Kingdom that night.

A gruesome trophy A vicious struggle ensued equally the marauding Wendol tried to slaughter all there. Ibn himself was picked upward in addition to thrown across the room, landing against a wall, in addition to falling to the floor. Herger ran to his side to catch if Ibn was all correct equally the incredible battle raged on. Finally afterwards what seemed similar hours, the Wendol withdrew equally rapidly equally they had sprang upon the Vikings. Like phantoms they left amongst hardly a trace, but at that spot was show of their presence there. One Viking warrior had the severed arm of a Wendol which he proudly raised higher upward his caput equally they others cheered. They examined the arm cutting off yesteryear a Viking sword. It was muscular in addition to rattling hairy yet shorter inwards length than a human arm.

Lloyd Pye attested to the robust construction of Neanderthals. Their dense os construction that was tougher than human os indicates also the denser muscles of Neanderthal. As Lloyd puts it, the Neanderthal could popular a human’s caput in addition to was belike hence rigid that it could fifty-fifty accept on the predatory cats of their time. Remember that Ibn talks of beingness picked upward in addition to thrown across a room. The Neanderthals were also known to get got observed an afterlife equally show was clearly abundant inwards archeological ruins that they buried their dead. This is why when the Wendol withdrew from combat they took their dead amongst them. This also lent acceptance to their phantom-like reputation amidst humans who had seen the aftermath of their atrocities in addition to feared them.

Lloyd Pye’s findings shed lite on a mystery Keep inwards hear if what Lloyd Pye attributes to Neanderthal was true, in addition to then it was alone the superior swordsmanship in addition to weaponry of the mighty Vikings that overcame their to a greater extent than powerful assailants (the Wendol) along amongst their sheer courage. This powerfulness also line of piece of employment organisation human relationship for how the creativity of Homo sapiens ensured the downfall of the to a greater extent than robust Neanderthal unable to instruct by amongst a well-organized in addition to technically advanced species of competing hominids (modern man).

Ibn Fadian evaluated their victory over the “Mist Monsters” equally they were called, who had terrorized Rothgar. They had beaten dorsum the Wendol, but at that spot had been a cost to pay. One of the Vikings had been wounded badly. The women fixed him a broth of onion in addition to garlic. When it was drank if at that spot was a sword injury that pierced the abdomen or tum the women could odour the onions in addition to garlic through the punctured flesh in addition to muscle. This unremarkably meant that it was a somebody wound, but the healing powers of the Vikings were legendary equally well.

Even though the warrior was maybe fatally wounded, he laughed in addition to joked amongst the others in addition to continued to swallow in addition to potable equally if nada had happened. This was the nature of the Vikings that ofttimes amazed in addition to appalled Ibn Fadian equally he accompanied them on their quests in addition to battles. Even inwards victory Buliwyf was non satisfied of the outcome. They had repelled the Wendol but he in addition to the people of Rothgar knew that this would alone atomic number 82 to some other to a greater extent than vicious onrush than the first. The side yesteryear side twenty-four hr menses the Vikings conducted strenuous construction of fortifications regardless of the slumber they had lost. As Ibn walked some exhausted in addition to barely able to rest awake he marveled at the Vikings who worked excavation motes, assembling wooden barriers, in addition to fashioning weapons. Ibn was amazed at their tenacity. Soon the nighttime came. The defenses were non finished, but Buliwyf left them equally they were in addition to 1 time once again equally nighttime fell, the Vikings did non feast equally the inhabitants of Rothgar agonized over the close future. Neither did they potable mead 1 time once again in addition to transcend out from intoxication. On this nighttime the Wendol would non come. As the sunset turned to nighttime it was observed that the mist from the highlands was non forming upon the elevated grounds in addition to slopes. This meant that the Wendol, who ever attacked beneath the veil of a mist, would non onrush without it.

No celebration afterwards the initial victory As was the tradition of the Vikings, the nobleman of Rothgar who had been killed yesteryear the Wendol piece fighting them, that their bodies were erected at the top of the kingdom’s roof for the prescribed 10 days prior to beingness sent out to for an body of body of water burial inwards fiery vessels. The mood amidst the Vikings was somber inwards expectation of the side yesteryear side battle. Ibn all the same could non figure out the Vikings who seemed to create everything inwards contradiction to what he would anticipate. According to Ibn Fadian the “Northmen” equally he called them (Vikings) who would potable twenty-four hr menses in addition to nighttime did non create hence prior to battle. The severed arm of the Wendol was non strung upward on a ceiling beam of the bang-up hall of Rothgar.

So, rather than rejoicing over their victory over the Mist Monsters (Wendol) at that spot was no drinking or merriment. You powerfulness call back that at that spot were alone 2 things that Ibn had said the Northmen feared-sea serpents in addition to the Mist Monsters! It is clear that equally beingness maybe the nearly formidable warriors inwards human history, fighting the powerful Wendol who are suspected equally beingness Neanderthals who were massively strong, was no pocket-size feat, in addition to picayune to aspect forrad to. To their credit, the Northmen, equally Ibn called them had managed at using their superior skills to defeat a rigid in addition to feared enemy.
Links to the 5-part attempt below. 
Vikings UFOs in addition to Bigfoot Part 1
Vikings UFOs in addition to Bigfoot Part 2
Vikings UFOs in addition to Bigfoot Part 3
Vikings UFOs in addition to Bigfoot Part 4
Vikings UFOs in addition to Bigfoot Part 5



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